Have you watched news lately? If you havent, then just for a bit of a newsflash: Philippines (specifically Luzon) has been suffering on a series of typhoons, damaging a lot of properties, increasing mortality rates and not to mention, bringing a huge drop on the economy sector. I haven’t seen such great calamity in the world since the tsunami in 2000. The worst part is, this calamity brought a new set of problems in the country. I heard that the calamity fund/ budget of the government is not enough for the recovery of such damages. What hurts me the most is the people that were affected by the typhoons. True indeed that a pictures tell stories and they’re enough to deliver the message that these victims have gone through the past week. Tears falling down and eyes barely awake as these victims face a very big obstacle: to start all over again. I know that a lot of people have reached out to send relief goods for these victims.We call this Bayanihan,(volunteerism) and that’s what makes me proud as a Filipino. As the Late Pres. Corazon always said, LABAN! (fight or don’t give up), we should not give up during these times. Instead, we should help hand in hand to help these people and our country rise from this problem. I know that with strong and firm to GOD and to ourselves, all of us can recover such tragic happening.
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