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My Kindergarten Dream: Teaching

Friday, July 9, 2010
"When I grow up, I want to be a teacher"... Those were the words I uttered on my kindergarten graduation. 15 years later, my genie, I suppose, granted my wish.

You see aside from being a public servant in our place, I got hired as a part-time college instructor. So after my work at the city government, I immediately proceed to the university where i teach. The thing is I never really thought, even for a second, that my dream as a little girl would come true. The weird part is I did my kindergarten years at the same school where I teach. It was Bukidnon State College back then but now, the word college was changed to university..Hence, Bukidnon State University.

The feeling.
Indescribable.. honestly, I still get kulba-kulba my heart/ nervous. haha especially on my first day of meeting with the students. it was different knowing that you're the mentor now. It was better when I was still a student because I get to decide if I would go to school or not. Or better yet, I get to decide if I want to sleep in the class or not. haha but now, I cant do that. Kung sa binsaya pa, ako gabangka sa storya (haha). So the feeling is just different.

The "they calling me "maám" part
Honestly, I was surprised. I really am still adjusting with the students pairing my name with that word. haha must be because Í wasn't used to it. I was always called Tina or Kristina. Now that I'm an instructor, the "maám" word just pops out.I guess it's a mandate from the students to call their female teacher that way (haha). It's cool, I'm down with that.

Dili lalim ang mahimong maestra.

Why? because you have to make sure that your students understand the lessons. aside from that, you get to deal with students with different personalities. However, I like it. It's challenging.:D

3 weeks of being with the learners.
So far so good. Though I wont deny that it''s tiring especially when you already got used to sleeping at 8 PM. now, I get to sleep at 1 AM.

TGIF or Thank GOD It's Friday. Now I never really valued that acronym until now. Friday is such a dear to me these past weeks. haha. Further, Saturdays and Sundays are just oh so nice. hahaha..The point is, I don't get much sleep or rest during weekdays because I prepare the lessons for my students to fully understand each topic. As the girl scout motto would say, Be Always Prepared. haha waaa. ><

Though the new job is breath taking (literally and figuratively), I still find it grand to be given this opportunity

Class dismissed. :)


  1. earlzky said...

    we respect you as our good mentor, we are learning from you... we thank you for that ma'am. we salut you maam. Godbless us

    July 13, 2010 at 7:02 AM  

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