First off, spending more time with my folks. You see, after I graduated college, my mum requested me to work within the jurisdiction of Malaybalay. It bugged me for a minute coz I wanted to work in a far place (the job offer in manila would have just been perfect) but I kinda got the fact that they (my parents), wanted to bond with the older children (me and my brother) and so, I said yes. I could remember back in my college life, i would usually go to sleep at 1 AM (hey, im just enjoying my life in the city). Now, I go home at 5:30 PM, talk to my parents till 9 and doze off by 10. And every morning, as the sun rises, I would talk to my erpat with a cup of coffee in our hands. Whew…

Lastly: eating lunch with my grandmama. I admit that I was closer to my grandpa than my lola. My lola was the disciplinarian when we were younger so given that description of her, she was really strict. I could remember when I was visiting them (grandparents), I would always stay at my lolo’s room because when my lolo and I were talking, perminte ko exempted sa tanan sugo.. hahaha… after my grandfather’s death, I promised to myself that I would spend much more time with my lola and I guess God provided a way for me to do that. Now, I eat lunch with her because my working place is near from her house. I like it coz it made me realize that my grandmama is not that strict pala, she’s very thoughtful and very loving. I enjoy exchanging views with her in politics (passing of Cory, etc,etc) and telling her every thing that I do in my work (the things I would usually do with my lolo when he was still around).
With this new routine and style, I could say that Im on my way to maturity..waaaaaaaa oh no.. 0_0.. hehe but hey, I could still goof around but in the right place and right time.. hahai.. although I miss going to school and my friends and other stuff (dawat ug baon, wandering.. hahaha).. but I have to face reality and embrace it.

Its not so bad.. lets just put it this way, this new paradigm molds me to be more responsible and in time I could get used to this... =)
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