Whew..weekends are usually the time for me to rest and goof around as long as I want. This weekend was a different one. Well first, playing table tennis. Most people know this sport as “ping pong” . Moving on, much to my excitement in playing for this year’s sports fest in our city government, I did what usually players would do before game time – practice, practice, practice!. I played with my older brother and my 2 cousins since there was a table in my grandmama’s house..=) For 2 straight days, I practiced and practiced and too much practicing led to body pains especially on my right arm. It was a pain-bearing experience but it was cool. I get to bond with my family and all.

Next is cuddling my nephew. We all have our favorite nephews or nieces. Last Saturday, my favorite nephew (his name is Carl) was admitted on a hospital due to diarrhea. He’s just 2 years old and I felt sorry for the litte boy. For his age to have dextrose in his little left hand is very painful. I was so worried that I asked my dad to accompany me on visiting him yesterday. He was a bit surprised to see us but I could feel the uncomfortable feeling.. poor baby..

The good thing is he’s ok now. My cousin said (father of my nephew) that water was the reason for the diarrhea. Well the important part is he’s going to be fine (thank goodness) I just cuddled him and stayed on his side until me and my dad went home.
Moving on (again), last week, my sister’s dog gave birth to 3 puppies.

Such cutties and what’s cooler is, my grandmama’s pig also gave birth to 12 piglets! i really love animals, except for snakes.. 0_o They’re so cute!=) I will upload the photos later (I didn’t bring my memory card reader).
All the things I did over the weekend boils down to one thing, I totally had a blast! =)
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