From what I have learned in my communication course, interpersonal communication means the exchange of thoughts between two persons or more. We simply call this action as a talk or chat and we do this every single day. Heck, our world would be pretty much in disaster or in chaos if we don’t do verbal language. My point here is, if we talk everyday of our lives, then why are there still people full of hate or grudge. You know the feeling where you wanted to just burst and let it all out? That question lingered in my mind until I took up my course. Well, the communication process consists of 5 steps namely the sender, message, channel, receiver and the feedback or the response.

Often we just say what we want to say and never let the other side talk. Maybe that’s one of the factors why bickering happens that leads to anger and eventually, war. Its quite ironic that even I, as a communication graduate, sometimes encounter misunderstandings from my siblings or friends. So its important then to listen so that both parties can reach mutual understanding. Think about it.
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