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Deja Vu

Thursday, February 25, 2010
i feel like this happened before. the sobbing of my love ones, the empty room and table during lunch, the closed window shields...

just this lunch, i found out that my grandmother was admitted again to the hospital.. a sudden chill in my spine came up as my father gave me the news. it was like a flashback when i was still in high school and i found out that my grandfather was having a colon cancer. the feeling sucks. you see my grandmama has diabetes. whats worst is her left foot was amputated due to the bacteria.first it was only her pinky toe, ow the doctors cut off her whole left foot. its painful for my part to see her suffer. its an agony.

i just feel so devastated right now. Pls. Lord, let the pain go away. pls. help my Lola..


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