Every year, we anticipate or we look forward to one special day. Some call this her day or his day or your day. Hmm let’s just cut to the chase, shall we? we wait for for our birthdays to come. The funny thing is whenever I greet people on their bday, i get bewildered by their different reactions. For instance, when a board mate of mine back in college turned 20,I greeted her with all smiles but she wept because she reminded me that she’s not a “ teenager “ anymore. Another was my padmate; she jumped for joy knowing that she’s of legal age already. I don’t know why but maybe because she being 18 means she could get married or get into clubs perhaps? various emotions buts its kinda different on my 22nd bday. You see, I got used to the my bday pattern back in college but now that Im working and Im back in my hometown, the feeling is different. A smell of maturity I guess…
Waking up with greetings and hugs and having breakfast with my family. Not that im not used to it but its just because back in college, I never really got to experience that anymore. Yes, they called m but I guess it was the fact that I saw them greeting me on my day. Ok yun… a sense of belongingness.. I belong.. haha..
A sweet gift from my man. I really thought that he slept already but then he called at midnight then the next day, I found out that he did pretty silly but totally sweet on FB. he tagged me on a photo with him holding a cake with a “happy birthday tina and the 3 sweet words sign at the back”. it was cute, pretty slick. Mas ok sana yun kung may mga tinapay… hahahhaaha….
Receiving greetings via cyberspace. You see back in college, whenever someone turns a year older, the group always plan out of something. It may be a very resourceful and cute greeting card, or the “surprise the celebrant” gimik. In my case, I got a dozen of roses on my freshman year, a shout out in the DC radio when I turned 19, a cake and a sim card (my fone got lost) on my 20th bday and the never ending greeting cards in my senior year. Now that we graduated, they still remembered my day and sent me their sweet greetings via FB or plurk . Nagreet siguro sila dahil nakita nila na b-day ko sa FB bday reminder.. haha waaa. but still, matsalam gyapun. Love yu fellow journalts, dibcum pips, agtang girls, ADdU friends, hiskul pips.
Greetings from new people. Now that im working, I got to receive greetings with my colleagues in the office. It was kinda cool.. More greetings,twice the fun.. haha..
Lunch prepared by my grandmama. Some people, when they get old, prefer to unwind the whole time. But not for my Lola, when she found out that it was my bday, she prepared delicious foods. I kind of missed that from her because she wasn’t able to do those stuff when her diabetes worsened.
Candelaria. After my work, I went to the church and to my surprise, there were so many candles in the place. It was only then I found out that Febraury 2 is actually the day where people commemorates Jesus as the light of the world. Thus, according to the priest, people who were born on Feb. 2 should be named Candelaria. So… uhmm Hi, my name is Candelaria Morden Egnar.. that would be a BIG no-no.. haha.. Im happy with my name thank you. But thank you Lord.
Jamming and Videoke Session: So how did i really end my bday? well my erpat surprised me with a jamming session. and so we sang, we laughed and some us got wasted. Haha…
though it was not that bonggaleycious but knowing that all the people i love remembered me on my bday,it really made a difference. matsala guys, sa uulitin :)

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