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blogging in the middle of the night

Monday, July 5, 2010
Time check, it is now 12:38 AM and still, no feeling of hitting the sack soon.

The truth is I really don't know why Im having this sleeping disorder. i tried counting sheep, counting backwards and even drank for like 3 glasses of milk (now my tummy's feeling all queasy). so to make me jump off to bed, il try to blog the the things that have been wandering in my mind today.

New challenge. Last June 14, i found out that I got hired as a part-time instructor in one of the prestigious schools in my place (Bukidnon State Universtity). its fun dealing with the college students and sharing the theoretical knowledge that i gained when i, myself, was still in college. the funny thing is i never realized the importance of keeping my notes until now. like duh, tina 0_o. but the teaching part is cool, im still getting used to it but so far, i like it.

The 3rd installment in the famous Twilight Saga. im a film buff, i watch a lot of movies whether it's a good one or the opposite. eclipse, the premiere night was on June 30, and I was just oh so excited to watch the movie. I read the books and earnestly watched the first two movies with a never ending awe. But the third one, i gotta say, is not that cool compared to the first two. hey, no offense to the twilight fans out there. i like the love triangle going on even though im a certified part of the team cullen. haha now why i do i don't feel so hyped with eclipse? maybe it's because i only watched it online. haha free viewing :)

Missing lp_1021. i miss him... pretty much. i get to see him next month though so joy oh joy. :)

Things to do later. hah! it's 1:30 already and im finishing this blog to close my eyes, whether i like it or not. i need to re-energize myself( kung sa cellphone pa, kelangan ng i-charge).

Good mornite :)


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