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living life

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
here's a speech i wrote for my cousin. im not quite sure if its really a speech.. so read on fellow bloggers and decide for yourselves..:D

Live your life to the fullest, a cliché that I hear very often. But how do we do it? That’s the question that I ask to myself. There are a lot of problems in my life that I just find it hard to just live my life that way. For instance, meeting deadlines of school projects and at the same time, budgeting my allowance. Just thinking of the academic problems alone is stressful already. When I’m outside the school, another set of problems meet me. It’s like everywhere I go, problems find me. The worst is I was handling my problems in a negative way and somehow, those problems let me live my life bitterly. But my way of thinking changed when I heard about my cousin’s friend who’s niece died of leukemia at only 8 years old. It was devastating thinking that the girl was still so young to die. Who knows that child must have her dreams and she wanted to fulfill them. Her death gave me a bit of a dose of reality; that we don’t have control of our lives and so we should live it, I should live it to the fullest. Problems do come, but they also go. They are one of the spices that make life more meaningful and wonderful. So I say, let’s face our problems with optimism so that we may see the beauty of life and we can live it with happiness and fullness.


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