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Remembering the Good times

Monday, October 19, 2009
Memories, for me, are priceless. I guess I can assume that each one of us has memories that can make us smile. I do, as a matter of fact, I have a lot of beautiful memories and just loves to reminisce. These little things may not be that great to others but I prefer to dwell with these are some moments in my life that cant seem to erase from my head.

When I was younger, I remember how my dad took me to another town for my 6th birthday and bought me a new watch. I remember how he held my hand as we crossed the street. Years later , I entered college and surprised how he still held my hand in crossing the street as we went to my new school for my psychological exam.

There was also a time when my lil brother and I laughed so hard while heading home after a day of playing tennis. I remember how we used to buy snacks on the money that is supposedly for our rela fare.
I could still remember how my cousins and I would go to our farm and go fishing. I remember the bonfire, the “puyo” fish and singing of rivermaya’s himala. During summer, I remember how we would race around the capitol grounds using our bicycles.

I remember how my grandpapa comforted me after losing from an election. I remember how he smiled at me, and how he let me understood in terms of accepting failures in life and to move on.

I remember how my mom would teach us to pray the rosary. I remember my sibling and I would bicker because all of us wants to lead the litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I remember how my grandmamma would baby sit and sing to us a lullaby when my parents are not yet home from work.

Times may have passed but these good times will forever be cherished

Yup, those were good times.. good times indeed..


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